Ас-аудит. Ас-аудит. Аудит и консалтинг, бухгалтерский учет.
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Russian version

Director Accountant Analyst


The role of the accountant in every organization is very important. Especially in times of change and the introduction of new accounting regulations. We will try to keep you abreast of the latest changes in the Russian legislation.

Changes in taxation 2013

Changes in accounting 2013

The accounting policy for 2013 in view of changes in the Russian tax and accounting legislation

Foreign representative office in Russian Federation

Foreign subsidiary company in Russian Federation

Consolidated financial statement and subsidiaries

IFRS applicable in the Russian Federation

The consequences of the termination of the lease agreement for failure and / or delay in performance of the lessee obligation to pay the lease payments



Copyright (C) AS-AUDIT, 2003-2025
tel.: +7(495)775-61-31
e-mail: info@as-audit.ru

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